Asbestos sheets dumped along English roadside
Asbestos sheets dumped along English roadside
Tuesday, July 20th, 2010
A pile of garbage that contained asbestos was recently dumped on a road in England.
Asbestos sheets and other items were found on the roadside in Burtonwood, England, according to the Warrington Guardian.
“In this case it appears that some asbestos sheeting is among the items left which needs to be disposed of very carefully for obvious reasons,” a spokesman for the Warrington Borough Council told the news source. “We have investigated and the material will be removed by an authorised contractor.”
Asbestos exposure can lead to a range of deadly illnesses such as malignant mesothelioma, asbestosis and lung cancer. The World Health Organization estimates that about 90,000 people die each year around the world from such illnesses.
This instance of illegal dumping carried more than just asbestos danger, however.
“The rubbish is dangerous when dumped on a public highway, especially at night when motorists are travelling along the road not expecting a lorry full of it to have been dumped there,” David Brownlee from Chesire Police told the news provider.
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