Georgia Asbestos Attorneys
Georgia Asbestos Attorneys
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Atlanta was founded as a commercial center – a rail hub that served the southern states in its early industrial days when getting cotton to the coast for shipment was important. As a result it was central to the rise of modern industry in the south, which didn’t get rolling until the twentieth century. The textile mills, railroad yards and cement plants were sources of asbestos exposure for workers in the Georgia capital. Today many of the mesothelioma diagnoses in Georgia come from the Atlanta area.
In Augusta there were pulp and paper mills that are still running today; some were part of the wood products giant Georgia Pacific. Savannah also had paper mills along with a shipyard, one of the Georgia businesses that would have been an extremely high risk for asbestos exposure. Ships and shipyards were laden with asbestos until the 1970s saw the abandonment of asbestos products.
Georgia Power’s many generating plants were also full of asbestos products, as virtually all of them burn coal to generate electricity. Any industrial site where there is heat used in the processing and which was built before 1980 will have asbestos insulation and other asbestos products installed, including such possibilities as floor tiles, asbestos cement, roof insulation or roof tiles and insulation for boilers and pipes.
Columbus is across the river from Alabama, where the two states share one metro area. It is also near Fort Benning, a large military installation where asbestos was undoubtedly used for flooring, insulation and ceilings when the buildings first went up. Many military installations have gotten rid of the asbestos on site, and some have not.
Legal Rights for Georgia Asbestos Victims
Georgia has had several important court decisions regarding asbestos liability. The state legislature has also passed a bill limiting asbestos liability rights to those individuals who have actually become ill, and denying them to people who had been exposed to asbestos but have not yet become ill. However the law also extends the statute of limitations for people who become ill.
Like most states, the stature of limitations for a personal liability is two years from the discovery of the act – or in this case, the disease. For a wrongful death suit the statute of limitations is two years after the death. However the state does have a court case on record involving CSX, the railroad corporation, which ruled that an asbestos plaintiff is not responsible for third party injuries – meaning for family members of employees that are afflicted with asbestos diseases caused by dust brought home from the workplace.
There are a lot of wrinkles to Georgia law regarding asbestos liability claims. If you feel you are eligible for an asbestos liability claim, contact us today by filling out the brief form on this page. One of our attorneys will be in touch with you immediately.
Georgia Asbestos Attorneys
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