Trial for Chemical Operator Killed by Asbestos Begins
Trial for Chemical Operator Killed by Asbestos Begins
Thursday, April 23rd, 2009
A suit was recently filed on behalf of a former employer of a company who was allegedly negligent and exposed their workers to asbestos.
The suit is holding the company responsible for the man’s sudden death.
Asbestos Used at Plant
Alan Wolfe was employed as an operator at Dow Chemical’s Freeport plant for over 30 years and during this time was unknowingly working with and around products that contained asbestos.
Dow supposedly used asbestos in its daily maintenance operations at the plant.
Exposure at Work Leads to Death
Wolf eventually developed lung cancer from the asbestos and died when he was only 65-years-old.
“Alton Wolf literally gave his life to Dow,” explains Troy Chandler, the attorney working for the Wolf family.
Company Accused of Still Using Asbestos
According to reports, Dow is still using the harmful substance, asbestos, in its products and daily work routine.
“Even though the federal government ruled it a silent killer over three decades ago, and now there are much safer alternatives,” says Chandler.
The Wolf family is hoping to be compensated for the financial and emotional toll that Alton’s life has had.
(Source: Sun Herald)
Have you been exposed to asbestos at work? Contact us to speak with an experienced attorney who will evaluate your case and ensure that you are given the compensation that you deserve.
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This entry was posted on Thursday, April 23rd, 2009 at 12:00 am.
Trial for Chemical Operator Killed by Asbestos Begins
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