Florida Couple Files Asbestos Lawsuit
Florida Couple Files Asbestos Lawsuit
Thursday, April 23rd, 2009
A couple living in Florida filed an asbestos lawsuit against 78 defendant corporations in response to the husband’s development of lung cancer. Ernest and Shirley Beese claim that Ernest developed lung cancer after being exposed to asbestos at work.
Asbestos Exposure in the Workplace
Ernest claims he was exposed to asbestos during his employment with various companies from 1950 to 1994. He allegedly worked from 1950 to 1955 as a carpenter at several commercial and residential construction sites and from 1956 to 1994 as a tile worker for Abbot Laboratories, Great Lakes Naval Training, Kentiel Floors, O’Hare Airport, Sheriwn-Williams, Johnson and Johnson and several Chicago hospitals.
The couple claims that Ernest was exposed to asbestos during his employment with the defendant corporations listed above. They are also claiming that his exposure was foreseeable and should have been prevented by his employers.
Couple Seeks Compensation for Financial Loss
Earnest and Shirley claim that since his diagnosis, Ernest has been too weak to pursue his normal course of employment, which has resulted in a loss of income. They are also claiming that they have spent a significant amount of money on hospital bills and medical treatments. The couple is suing the defendant corporations for money to cover such financial losses, as well as lost future income and pain and suffering caused by the illness.
The couple seeks $150,000 for economic damages, $100,000 in punitive and exemplary damages and $150,000 in compensatory damages. They are also seeking punitive damages to punish Ferris Kimball Company, LLC, Sprinkmann Sons Corporation, Sprinkmann Insulation, Inc., and Young Insulation Group of St. Louis for wrongfully exposing the Ernest to asbestos in an effort to prevent future negligence.
(Source: Madison St. Claire Record)
Have you or someone you love been diagnosed with an asbestos-caused disease such as lung cancer? If so, contact us to speak to a qualified asbestos attorney who will help you fight to get the compensation you need and deserve.
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This entry was posted on Thursday, April 23rd, 2009 at 12:00 am.
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