SF Building Owner Faces Asbestos Charges
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SF Architecture Buyer Faces Asbestos Charges
Thursday, April 23rd, 2009
A architecture buyer in Tracy, abreast Hayward, CA, was afresh bedevilled by a federal board of illegally disturbing down a architecture attenuated with asbestos.
Asbestos is a adverse carcinogen that can could cause life-threatening illnesses, such as mesothelioma, to anyone exposed.
Man Violates Clean Air Act
Wassim Mohammad Azizi, 37, has reportedly been begin accusable of actionable the Clean Air Act in California.
Azizi was answerable afterwards abolition a two-story board architecture he endemic that independent asbestos.
A board begin him in abuse of three counts of the Clean Air Act.
Demolition Released Asbestos
The federal board says Azizi bootless to acquaint the Environmental Protection Agency and the Bay Area Air Quality Management District afore disturbing down the building.
The annihilation project, which happened in backward 2002 and aboriginal 2003, reportedly resulted in the absolution of asbestos fibers into the air.
Azizi aswell bootless to accumulate the architecture wet and adapt the asbestos-containing actual in leak-tight containers.
(Source: SF Gate)
Have you been wrongfully apparent to asbestos? If so, amuse acquaintance anyone today to acquisition out about the assets accessible to you.
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This access was acquaint on Thursday, April 23rd, 2009 at 12:00 am.
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