39 Companies Sued in Asbestos Case
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39 Companies Sued in Asbestos Case
Thursday, April 23rd, 2009
A clothing was afresh filed on account of a man who died from an asbestos-related affliction in Orange County, CA.
The clothing was filed by the added of the man who believes his above employer’s are amenable for his affliction and abortive death.
Widow Claims Workplace Exposure
Shirley Deem filed the clothing on account of her backward husband, Ronald Duane, claiming that the company’s he acclimated to plan at buried the hazards of asbestos.
Deem believes that her husband’s above administration agilely inflicted their advisers with the asbestos-related disease.
Suit Filed Names 39 Companies
“Defendants advisedly conspired a part of themselves to could cause Deem’s injuries, disease, and afterlife by advertisement him to asbestos after his knowledge,” claims the suit.
Among the companies called in the clothing are, Viacom, General Electric, and Zurn Industries.
Court letters accompaniment that the man was a lot of acceptable apparent to the adverse actual while alive at shipyards, animate mills and refineries throughout the U.S.
Deem is gluttonous castigating and admirable amercement in the case.
(Source: Southeast Texas Record)
Have you or anyone you apperceive been apparent to asbestos while at work? If so, amuse acquaintance us to allege with anyone about the acknowledged assets accessible to you.
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This access was acquaint on Thursday, April 23rd, 2009 at 12:00 am.
39 Companies Sued in Asbestos Case
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